Note & Instructions:
1 Slip No.:- Enter Department Name and Number. - Ex. for Accounts (ACC/001).
2 From Department:- Enter Department Name. - Ex. for Accounts (Accounts).
3 Requester Name:- Enter Your Name.
4 Requester Phone:- Enter your 10 digit cell number for provide online support.
5 Date:- Automatically fill by System.
6 To Department:- Automatically fill by System.
7 Receiver Name:- Enter Name of IT Team Member (Automatically fill by System).
8 Email:- Enter your official email ID for communication on email.
9 Details of Issue /Problmes:- Enter complete details of issue /problem facing in your Laptop/Desktop/Workstation.
10 Issue Resolved / Action:- Entry will be fill by IT Depatment after Issue / Problem resolved.
11 Submit your Form:- Click for Submit your call slip.
Process of IT Team:-
* After submission of your Call Slip on above link, IT team will receive your call slip on email and will send an
acknowledgement email to your provided email id.
* IT team will attend your call and resolve the issue.
* Once issue resolve users reply on email received from IT with comments to close the ticket.
For more details contact on below cell No.
Kamal Mishra :- +91 9595580227 Ajinkya Dere:- +91 8956175409